Pastor Peter Wallace

The theme of “The Cross and the Kingdom of Christ” is more than just a blog title for me.

blog-213x213-2I am a husband to Virginia — together we are learning something about the way of the cross (after all, marriage is martyrdom — and the Christian must learn from Jesus, “who for the joy set before him endured the cross”).

I am a father to seven — with whom I am learning what it means to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” I must first be a disciple — only then can I make disciples of others.

I am a pastor to Michiana Covenant Presbyterian Church in Granger, Indiana — where I am discovering that if a shepherd says all the right things and walks in the wrong direction, the sheep will wind up where the shepherd is, not where the shepherd said to go.

And in my spare time, I am a teacher at Michiana Covenant Academy and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. Otherwise, you can find me on the basketball court, playing guitar, or wrestling with my children — or with one of my innumerable unfinished writing projects.

While I have served at Michiana Covenant since 2001, I have only been a PCA minister since the summer of 2016. Due to a somewhat unusual set of circumstances, I remained in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church for the first 15 years. I came in the fall of 2001 to serve as pulpit supply while I was finishing my Ph.D. at Notre Dame. The ecumenical arrangement worked so well that in July of 2004 I was installed at a joint service of the OPC Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario and the PCA Great Lakes Presbytery in order to serve Michiana Covenant Presbyterian Church on a permanent basis.

I studied at the University of Notre Dame (Ph.D. American History, 2004), Westminster Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1996), and Wheaton College (B.A. History of Christian Thought, 1993). I also serve as adjunct professor at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and have taught at Bethel College and conducted numerous church history seminars in churches around the United States.

Before coming to MCPC, I served as the organizing pastor of Grace Reformed Church (OPC) in Walkerton, Indiana, and I have served on several committees for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, including the Committee to Prepare Proof-Texts for the Larger Catechism and the Committee on Views of Creation. He presently serves on the OPC’s Committee on Ecumenicity and Interchurch Relations, and the Psalter Hymnal Composition Subcommittee.

For a further collection of sermons and essays, visit

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Our former associate pastors:

The Rev. Jonathan Bonomo went on to become associate pastor at Calvary PCA in Willow Grove, PA

The Rev. D. Blair Smith went on to become assistant professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC