The building expansion continues!
Melito of Sardis, in his sermon, “On Pascha,” describes this well.
35. Beloved, no speech or event takes place without a pattern or design; every event and speech
involves a pattern–that which is spoken, a pattern, and that which happens, a prefiguration–in order that
as the event is disclosed through the prefiguration, so also the speech may be brought to expression
through its outline.
36. Without the model, no work of art arises. Is not that which is to come into existence seen through
the model which typifies it? For this reason a pattern of that which is to be is made either out of wax, or
out of clay, or out of wood, in order that by the smallness of the model, destined to be destroyed, might
be seen that thing which is to arise from it–higher than it in size, and mightier than it in power, and
more beautiful than it in appearance, and more elaborate than it in ornamentation.
37. So whenever the thing arises for which the model was made, then that which carried the image of
that future thing is destroyed as no longer of use, since it has transmitted its resemblance to that which
is by nature true. Therefore, that which once was valuable, is now without value because that which is
truly valuable has appeared.
38. For each thing has its own time: there is a distinct time for the type, there is a distinct time for the
material, and there is a distinct time for the truth. You construct the model. You want this, because you
see in it the image of the future work. You procure the material for the model. You want this, on
account of that which is going to arise because of it. You complete the work and cherish it alone, for
only in it do you see both type and the truth.
As we see our construction plans taking shape, we are reminded that even so, God’s construction plans for his church are taking shape in our lives as he builds us into a holy dwelling place, fit for him!
The back porch:
The pulpit platform is taking shape…
And the new pews have arrived (perhaps we’ll have an outdoor service on Sunday?!!)
Thanks to all who have devoted so much and time and labor to the expansion of the building! May God also grant such fruit in the expansion of the church!