“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.” – I Timothy 5:17
Mark Hanson (Clerk of Session)
Mr. Hanson an engineer at CTS. Mark has served as an elder at MCPC since 2007. He and his wife, Sally, have one grown daughter.
Jacob Stoltzfus
Jacob and his wife Jamie were married in 2000 and have been blessed with 8 children. Jacob grew up in northern Indiana and after obtaining a chemical engineering degree sojourned in Illinois for 12 years before returning to the area in 2012, at which time the family joined MCPC. He served as a deacon at MCPC from 2015-2017 and was ordained as an elder in 2017. Jacob works as a project engineer at a local consumer goods manufacturing company. Jacob enjoys reading, singing, running road races and obstacle courses, Ultimate, and disc golf. “MCPC is a church where fellowship is more than a few minutes small talk after the morning service. We do life together in each other’s homes and mutually encourage one another daily in faith as we spur each one on to love and good deeds.”
Jay DeRoos Elder Emeritus
Mr. DeRoos is a charter member of MCPC and has served as an elder since 1998. He and his wife, Diane, have three grown children.
Rolf Caylor (1933-2015)
Mr. Caylor was programming computers back in the era of punch cards and magnetic-core memory. A native of Ohio, and a son of a Presbyterian manse, Rolf served as an elder at MCPC from 2003-2014. His remarkable gift in 2004 enabled us to build our church building. At the time of the donation he said that he had always wondered why God had never given him a wife and children as he had so often prayed — but that when he found MCPC in his sixties, he discovered the reason: so that he might be able to provide a place of worship for the many children of the church. At the time of his death, he had 143 spiritual grandchildren (the number of children for whom he had served as elder).