Music in Worship
We are convinced that if the church would recover her ancient theology of worship, most modern debates over music style would subside.
Psalms and hymns should be liturgically appropriate–which means that they should fit into the overall pattern of worship. For this reason we regularly sing the Psalms, which were designed to be sung in the worship of the church. We also regularly sing hymns from all periods of church history as an expression of our unity with the whole body of Christ throughout all ages. For this reason, MCPC has been developing a collection of “Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs” for many years.
We value the old Genevan tunes (which have been used by the continental Reformed churches for nearly 500 years), as well as more recent compositions by Stuart Townend, Paul Jones, or Andrew Deliyannides.
We gather regularly on Sunday mornings (after Sunday school and before the morning worship service) in order to practice singing four-part harmony, using one of the psalms/hymns for that Sunday morning.
We desire to use a variety of instruments in our congregational praise — but the particular accompaniment will vary depending on the gifts of the congregation from time to time.
The new Trinity Psalter Hymnal was published in April of 2018, and since then MCPC has been working on revising our Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs binder. The main purpose of revising our PHSS booklet is to keep songs from it that did not make it into the TPH, as well as adding new music to include in worship.