Sunday School

Michiana Covenant Presbyterian Church offers weekly Sunday School classes prior to the start of our morning worship service. Our Sunday School sessions begin in September of each year. Classes begin at 9:00 a.m. and are offered for all age levels, as listed below.

We encourage a thorough knowledge of the scriptures — which is the story of our Lord Jesus Christ — for all ages. Our Sunday School programs are centered around the study of Scriptures and encourage a lifelong love of communal study of God’s Word and learning to follow Him.

2-3 Year Olds

The Sunday School class for toddlers includes a time of sharing about the work of our church’s missionaries, and praying for them. We review the Catechism weekly, and study specific Scriptures for memorization: Genesis 1:1, Luke 2:14, Psalm 23. Additional lessons are presented quarterly, covering the storyline of the Bible and life of Christ through each season:

Fall: God’s Family, Beginning of the line of promise, Adam to Joseph
Winter: God’s Son, birth and stories of Jesus
Spring: God’s love, Jesus’s life, death and resurrection
Summer: God’s People, God’s guidance of his people in the Old Testament

We also work on coordinating crafts or coloring each week, and a lesson page is sent home for parents to review, and for children to study at home on their own.

4-5 Year Olds

Godly Play offers a creative, child-honoring way of entering into and experiencing the biblical story. In Godly Play, we play with the language of God and God’s People: our sacred stories, parables, liturgical actions and silence. Through this powerful language, through our wondering, through the community of players gathered together, we hear the deepest invitation of all: an invitation to come play with God.

1st-2nd Grades

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is taught over a 2-year period to children in 1st and 2nd grade. At this grade level, memorization is the primary learning skill. We memorize one (or sometimes two) of the answers to the Shorter Catechism. Class time is spent learning the definitions of the words in the Catechism, hearing Bible stories that illustrate concepts from the questions, and coloring pictures that reinforce the lesson. We also spend time learning the books of the Bible and practicing where to find the books in our own Bibles. We read the supporting verses out loud as children are able. At the end of each class, we review the weekly Question and Answer together with the older students.

3rd-6th Grades

Info coming soon!

7th-12th Grades

The weekly Sunday School program for pre-teens and young teens offers a time of introductory fellowship and socializing, followed by a concise Bible lesson and open discussion. We conclude with a time of prayer requests and prayer. This class offers a unique approach to biblical study outside of the sanctuary, and aims to help students discover what the Bible really says about popularity and success, failure, integrity, friendship and more, while developing Bible study skills and growing in Christian maturity. Mentors seek to develop meaningful relationships with students that will lead to a strong foundation of faith.

Adult Sunday School

Currently studying: