Youth Ministry

We focus on three things:

  • Bible study (growing in our relationship with God)

  • Fun activities (growing in our relationships with one another)

  • Service projects (learning how to reach out to our church family and world)

The purpose of the Michiana Covenant Youth Group (MCYG) is to glorify and enjoy God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in belief and practice. The MCYG will encourage the youth through open discussion to imitate Jesus Christ, and it will seek to equip them to become servant leaders, thereby enabling them to glorify God and seek the good of others in all their present and future pursuits including spiritual, academic, career, civic, and personal. The MCYG will also seek to promote fellowship and understanding among the youth through recreation and charitable works. During the upcoming year (2017-18), we are going to be going through a study on Philippians, and considering various other topics that are relevant to our culture.

Past studies have included Francis Schaeffer’s trilogy (The God who is There, Escape from Reason, He is there and He is not Silent), Proverbs, Hebrews, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Beatitudes. The “youth groupers” have attended the regional OPC youth retreat, gone bowling and have organized events such as a youth vs. adults volleyball night. Ministry activities have included doing yardwork at church member’s homes, visiting a nursing home and raising money for charity through a carwash.

We seeks to be involved with the church community and regularly includes older and younger members in its activities. We aims to prepare youth for adulthood and encourage them to go above and beyond the expectations set by our culture and “do hard things.”

The Youth group is for kids from 6th to 12th grade. We meet every Wednesday from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the church building for Bible study, prayer, and activities. Most weeks, the first hour is a time of discussion and prayer, and the last half hour is for games and other activities. In addition, we also periodically hold other events and service projects throughout the year.


The purpose of everything we do is to grow together in knowing Jesus and what it means to follow him in the world.
