Pastor’s Notes for Sunday, October 8, 2017

Dear Congregation,   

This week’s Pastoral Notes are being sent by the Pastor’s wife!

Peter is spending the next few days with Rex in Yushu, and can’t send the notes from there. I’ll let him tell of his experience when he returns. Becca and I are hanging out at home with the kids. We do have a bit of shopping to do while we are here…

Last week, Becca and I and the girls made the trip to Yushu by ourselves–talk about girl road trip–that was a blast!  The mountains are Amazing. The lakes are many, and filled with birds and ducks that I haven’t seen before.  And yak. Yak are Everywhere. They wander the hillsides, and the roads.  We had to keep a constant look out so that we didn’t run into one on the road. Besides the damage to the vehicle, the money you have to pay to the owner is quite a lot–and you don’t even get to keep the meat…

One of our days in Yushu, Lorna and I followed Becca and her girls up the side of a mountain pass that was 14,800 ft at the top.  Gorgeous. Awesome.  And eventually you gather enough oxygen to make it all the way up…It was a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

It has been neat to see very similar landscape here in China as in Scotland. It was yet another way that we saw the unity of creation here–the same God that made Scotland , made China–and used a lot of the same mountain shapes, rock formations, peat moss and even gorse bushes in both places! Two very different places–but yet very alike. We know that He has made us all, but to see His image in each person is something that we often miss.  It has been a joy to meet so many others here that know Him, and those that don’t–but to remember that God’s presence and His mercy is here. He has not left this place, He created this place for His glory as well. We pray that He will continue to make is presence known to the people here.
We are enjoying our time here and feel blessed to see and know what life looks like here for Rex and Becca.  We see God working in the people here, and yet at the same time we cry with our brothers and sisters, “Come Lord Jesus, make this world right!”  We seek His mercy and we cling to the Hope that is ours in Christ Jesus!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!!

For His Glory,
Ginger, Peter and Lorna

Sermon Series 

This Sunday morning we will have the Rev. Dr. Mark VanderHart preaching for us, and Joel will preach this Sunday evening.

In the morning service, I am preaching through the book of Exodus. After finishing Exodus, I will preach Philemon in October and then Book Four of the Psalms from November-January.

In the evening I am preaching through Lamentations and then Daniel (Joel will continue preaching once a month during the school year).

Prayer Requests

    • For rulers and those in authority
    • For the spread of the gospel
      • Missionaries
        • Will Traub (Dundee, Scotland)
        • Jamie & Julia Thornton (Ukraine)
        • Nell (France)
        • C family (that place over there)
        • Bruce and Pat (France)
        • Markus & Sharon Jeromin (Uruguay)
        • Lee & Emma DeHoog (North Africa)
      • PCA Ministries
        • Mission to the World, Mission to North America, Reformed University Ministries, Interchurch Relations, Christian Education & Publications, Covenant College and Seminary, etc.
      • Great Lakes Presbytery
        • Pastor Wallace serves on the Mission to North America Committee (church planting & Reformed University Fellowship)
        • Mark Hanson serves on the Administrative Committee (reading session minutes, stewardship, and nominating members for committee service)
        • Joel Irvin serves on the Candidates & Credentials Committee (examining and overseeing candidates for the ministry)
      • Michiana Area Churches
        • Grace Reformed OPC (Walkerton) — Pastor Matt Barker
        • Elkhart RPCNA (Elkhart) — Pastor Wade Mann
        • Grace Fellowship Church (Bremen) — Pastor Jon Hueni
        • Grace Baptist Fellowship (Warsaw) — Pastor Aaron Hoak
        • Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles) — Pastor Brian Hedges
        • Hillsdale OPC — Pastor Everett Henes
        • New City EPC (South Bend) — Pastor Luke Potter
        • Greater Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church (South Bend) — Pastor Earl Hairston
        • All churches where Christ is preached.
      • Pastor Peter and pastoral intern Joel
        • Preaching Christ faithfully
        • Discipleship and imitating Christ (as husband, father, and pastor)
        • Writing and teaching projects
      • MCPC Elders and Deacons
        • for wisdom in leading the congregation
        • praise for cash offer for the former LaPorte church building
        • Elders: Jay, Mark, Rex, Joel, Stephen, and Jacob
        • Deacons: Hugh, Mihkail, Jake, Dan, Matthew, and Bob
      • That we would be salt and light in our community
    • For those who are suffering, pray both for relief and for grace to endure in the midst of trials
      • hurricanes in the southeast and wildfires in the northwest
      • in our community
        • Patty (Jamie Irvin’s mother) — recovery from transplant
        • Myrle Rowley’s great-grandson, Isaac (leukemia)
      • in our congregation
        • Bob Taylor (traumatic brain injury)
      • loss of loved ones
      • wisdom that we might always number our days
    • For students, wisdom to prepare effectively for future service
      • Students away from home:
        • Immanuel Deliyannides (Calvin)
        • Olivia Deliyannides (Calvin)
        • Lena Wallace (Bethel)
    • For those who are looking for employment, that God would provide them with gainful employment so that they might provide for their households and be useful in the kingdom of God:
      • Alli Smiley
    • For teachers, wisdom to train students for that service
      • For the Michiana Covenant Academy as we seek to provide assistance to home schoolers
      • For other area Christian (e.g., Covenant, Elkhart, and Granger Christian Schools) and public schools
      • For home school teachers and students
    • For husbands and wives; parents and children
      • Lynns — with Audrey’s transition
      • Longs — living in Germany, Maria’s schooling
    • For those who desire children
      • Irvins (fostering)
    • For pregnant mothers
      • Margaret McMillan
      • Margaret McCarthy
    • For those seeking to adopt
    • For singles, both wisdom to devote themselves fully to Christ’s service and also (for those who desire it) a godly spouse
    • For those preparing for marriage

If you would like a particular prayer request to appear in the Pastoral Notes, please let me know.

Here is the order of worship for Sunday.

Morning Worship

“You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God…”

*Call to Worship        (Psalms 65, 66, Habakkuk 2:20)

Pastor: Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!

People: All earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.

Pastor: Come and see what God has done, he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.

People: By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas.

Pastor: Blessed is the one you choose and bring near to dwell in your courts!

People: We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the holiness of your temple!

Pastor: The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him!

*Hymn of Approach             PHSS 225        “We Have Come to Zion’s Mount”

Preparation for Confession 

Prayer of Confession with Lord’s Prayer (from Daniel 9)

O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and mercy with those who love you, and with those who keep your commandments, we have sinned against you, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by ignoring your commands and judgments. Nor have we heeded your servants, who spoke in your Name to our fathers and all nations.

We have forgotten you, O Lord, who made us, gave us breath, life, and all things which we enjoy. We have not obeyed your voice, to walk in your ways, which you set before us. O Lord, according to all your righteousness, we ask remove your anger from your people, for our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, who atoned for our iniquity, put an end to sin and brought everlasting righteousness.

Now therefore, our Father, hear the prayer of your servants, and for Christ’s sake turn your face to us and have mercy upon us. O our God, turn your ear and hear; open your eyes and see our desperate condition which we are unable to change; for we do not present our requests before you because of our righteous deeds, but because of your great mercies and promises.

O Lord, hear!  O Lord, forgive!  O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for your own sake, O Father, for your church and your people are called by your Name. And this we ask in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, “Our Father…”

Declaration of Pardon

*Hymn of Praise       Psalm 47          “All Nations, Clap Your Hands and Shout”

*Offertory Prayer


*Doxology      Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen.

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Old Testament Reading      2 Samuel 12:1-15 (p. 60)

*Psalm of Response  Psalm 51         “Have Mercy on Me”

New Testament Reading     Romans 3:21-4:8 (p. 1008)

Sermon           “God Justifies the Ungodly”                Rev. Mark Vander Hart

  1. Our Sorry Condition
  2. God’s Perfect Provision
  3. Mine Through Faith Alone

*Hymn of Praise       TH 461            “Not What My Hands Have Done”

“Now therefore, O LORD, let your word be confirmed…”

Congregational Prayer

*Nicene Creed (p.846)

Lord’s Supper

Exhortation & Blessing                           

Pastor              The Lord be with you
People            And also with you
Pastor              Lift up your hearts
People            We lift them up to the Lord
Pastor              Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
People            It is right to give him thanks and praise
Pastor prays:    It is indeed right, and a good and joyful thing . . .

The Peace

Communion (We use wine as the element commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ. We provide grape juice in the outer ring for those who conscientiously abstain from wine.)

 Prayer of Thanksgiving     (from the Canadian Reformed)

Merciful God and Father, we thank you that in your boundless mercy you have given us your only-begotten Son as our Mediator. We praise you that he is the sacrifice for our sins and that through him you have drawn us into fellowship with you and with one another. And now we ask that we, being strengthened in faith through this sacrament, might bring forth the fruit of thankfulness in our whole life, until that glorious day, promised by our Lord Jesus Christ, when we will drink of the fruit of the vine in the kingdom of his Father, to whom be all glory, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

*Closing Hymn         TH 421            “Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness”


Pastor’s Notes – Sunday, September 24, 2017

Dear Congregation,
The Great Lakes Presbytery had a profitable meeting in Traverse City last weekend. It was especially good to see how the wives of the pastors and elders have been building connections. I am hopeful that this will also help us develop better our connections across the presbytery.

Please remember Gloria Kling in your prayers. Gary’s funeral will be on Monday at noon at the church building.

Ginger, Lorna, and I will be leaving on Tuesday. Please pray for safety as we travel and for a good visit with Rex and Becca and their family.

We will have two professors from Mid-America preaching for our morning services in my absence: the Rev. Dr. Mark Beach will preach for us next Sunday morning, followed by the Rev. Mark Vander Hart — while in the evening service we will have the Rev. Matthew Barker of Grace Reformed OPC in Walkerton on October 1, followed by Joel on October 8.

Sermon Series
In the morning service, I am preaching through the book of Exodus. After finishing Exodus, I will preach Philemon in October and then Book Four of the Psalms from November-January.

In the evening I am preaching through Lamentations and then Daniel (Joel will continue preaching once a month during the school year).

Lamentations is especially appropriate as we consider the sorrow and suffering of so many in our world — and in our own community. It also has a particularly appropriate connection to the end of the book of Exodus: Exodus 40 tells us how the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle — as the LORD came to dwell with his people. Lamentations mourns over the departure of the LORD — and particularly how the LORD scorned his altar, disowned his sanctuary. Together, both passages demonstrate our need for Jesus — because only in Jesus do we find a temple that God will never disown!

Prayer Requests

  • For rulers and those in authority
  • For the spread of the gospel
  • Missionaries
    • Will Traub (Dundee, Scotland)
    • Jamie & Julia Thornton (Ukraine)
    • Nell (France)
    • C family (that place over there)
    • Bruce and Pat (France)
    • Markus & Sharon Jeromin (Uruguay)
    • Lee & Emma DeHoog (North Africa)
  • PCA Ministries
    • Mission to the World, Mission to North America, Reformed University Ministries, Interchurch Relations, Christian Education & Publications, Covenant College and Seminary, etc.
  • Great Lakes Presbytery
    • Pastor Wallace serves on the Mission to North America Committee (church planting & Reformed University Fellowship)
    • Mark Hanson serves on the Administrative Committee (reading session minutes, stewardship, and nominating members for committee service)
    • Joel Irvin serves on the Candidates & Credentials Committee (examining and overseeing candidates for the ministry)
  • Michiana Area Churches
    • Grace Reformed OPC (Walkerton) — Pastor Matt Barker
    • Elkhart RPCNA (Elkhart) — Pastor Wade Mann
    • Grace Fellowship Church (Bremen) — Pastor Jon Hueni
    • Grace Baptist Fellowship (Warsaw) — Pastor Aaron Hoak
    • Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles) — Pastor Brian Hedges
    • Hillsdale OPC — Pastor Everett Henes
    • New City EPC (South Bend) — Pastor Luke Potter
    • Greater Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church (South Bend) — Pastor Earl Hairston
    • All churches where Christ is preached.
  • Pastor Peter and pastoral intern Joel
    • Preaching Christ faithfully
    • Discipleship and imitating Christ (as husband, father, and pastor)
    • Writing and teaching projects
  • MCPC Elders and Deacons
    • for wisdom in leading the congregation
    • praise for cash offer for the former LaPorte church building
    • Elders: Jay, Mark, Rex, Joel, Stephen, and Jacob
    • Deacons: Hugh, Mihkail, Jake, Dan, Matthew, and Bob
    • That we would be salt and light in our community
  • For those who are suffering, pray both for relief and for grace to endure in the midst of trials hurricanes in the southeast and wildfires in the northwest
  • In our community
    • Patty (Jamie Irvin’s mother) — recovery from transplant
    • Myrle Rowley’s great-grandson, Isaac (leukemia)
  • In our congregation
    • Bob Taylor (traumatic brain injury)
  • Loss of loved ones
    • wisdom that we might always number our days
  • For students, wisdom to prepare effectively for future service
  • Students away from home:
    • Immanuel Deliyannides (Calvin)
    • Olivia Deliyannides (Calvin)
    • Lena Wallace (Bethel)
  • For those who are looking for employment, that God would provide them with gainful employment so that they might provide for their households and be useful in the kingdom of God:
    • Alli Smiley
  • For teachers, wisdom to train students for that service
  • For the Michiana Covenant Academy as we seek to provide assistance to home schoolers
  • For other area Christian (e.g., Covenant, Elkhart, and Granger Christian Schools) and public schools
  • For home school teachers and students
  • For husbands and wives; parents and children
    • Lynns — with Audrey’s transition
    • Longs — living in Germany, Maria’s schooling
  • For those who desire children
    • Irvins (fostering)
  • For pregnant mothers
    • Margaret McMillan
    • Margaret McCarthy
  • For those seeking to adopt
  • For singles, both wisdom to devote themselves fully to Christ’s service and also (for those who desire it) a godly spouse
  • For those preparing for marriage

If you would like a particular prayer request to appear in the Pastoral Notes, please let me know.

Here is the order of worship for Sunday.

Pastor Peter

Morning Worship

“You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God…”

*Call to Worship Psalm 148

Pastor: Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in all the heights!qPraise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!

People: Let them praise the name of the LORD! For he commanded and they were created. And he established them forever and ever; he gave a decree, and it shall not pass away.

Pastor: Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word! Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars! Beasts and all livestock, creeping things and all birds! Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth! Young men and maidens together, old men and children!

People: Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty is above earth and heaven. He has raised up a horn for his people, praise for all his saints, for the people of Israel who are near to him!

All: Praise the LORD!

*Hymn of Approach PHSS 188 “Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal”

Preparation for Confession

Prayer of Confession with Lord’s Prayer (From Psalm 80)
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead your people like a flock! You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth. Stir up your might, and come to save us! Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved! Do not be angry, Lord, but hear our prayer. For we have sinned against you and done what is evil in your sight. We have turned aside from your glory, and have walked in darkness, preferring the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil, to the light of your glorious truth. Restore us, O Lord God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved! Forgive us for our sins, through the blood of the righteous one, Jesus Christ, and grant to us your Holy Spirit, that we might more and more die unto sin, and live unto righteousness, through him who loved us and gave himself for us, even our Savior Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, “Our Father…”

Declaration of Pardon

*Hymn of Praise Psalm 29 “Now Unto the LORD”

*Offertory Prayer


*Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Old Testament Reading Exodus 38:21-40:38 (p. 60)

*Psalm of Response Psalm 68 “God Shall Arise” (stanzas 1, 2, 5, 7, 9)

New Testament Reading Matthew 17 (p. 1008)

Sermon “The Glory of the LORD” – Pastor Peter Wallace

1. The Records of the Tabernacle (38:21-31)

2. “As the LORD Had Commanded Moses”: Making the Priestly Garments (39:1-31)

  • The Ephod (v1-5)
  • The Onyx Stones of Remembrance (v6-7)
  • The Breastpiece (v8-21)
  • The Robe (v22-26)
  • The Garments for the Priests (v27-29)
  • The High Priest’s Crown (v30-31)

3. “Then Moses Blessed Them”: Final Summary of the Work (39:32-43)

4. The Assembly of the Tabernacle (40:1-33)

  • Tabernacle Before Priest: The LORD Explains the Process (v1-15)
  • “So Moses Finished the Work” – As the LORD Had Commanded (v16-33)

5. The LORD Dwells with His People (40:34-38)

*Hymn of Praise TH 598 “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”

“Now therefore, O LORD, let your word be confirmed…”

Congregational Prayer

*Nicene Creed (p.846)

Lord’s Supper

Exhortation & Blessing

Pastor The Lord be with you
People And also with you
Pastor Lift up your hearts
People We lift them up to the Lord
Pastor Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
People It is right to give him thanks and praise
Pastor prays: It is indeed right, and a good and joyful thing . . .

The Peace

Communion (We use wine as the element commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ. We provide grape juice in the outer ring for those who conscientiously abstain from wine.)

Prayer of Thanksgiving (From Martin Bucer)
Almighty, gracious, heavenly Father, we give you eternal praise and thanks that through your holy Gospel and Sacrament, you have again offered and presented to us your most precious treasure: the true bread of heaven and the food of eternal life, our Lord Jesus Christ. Grant, O Lord, that we may receive Him and partake of Him in true faith both now and forever, and so be nourished by his flesh and blood that we may be set free from all evil and increase daily in all goodness, to your glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Closing Hymn TH 420 “At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing”


Evening Worship

*Call to Worship

*Prayer of Invocation

*Hymn of Praise – Psalm 75 “We Give You Thanks, O God”

Psalms and Hymns

Scripture Reading Lamentations 2 (pp. 531, 810)

Sermon “Grief, Guilt, and the Need for Prayer” Pastor Peter Wallace

1. The Fierce Anger of the Lord against Daughter Zion (v1-8)

  • Cast Down
  • Has Not Remembered
  • Swallowed Up
  • Broken Down
  • Cut Down
  • Withdrawn
  • Burned
  • Bent His Bow
  • Laid Waste
  • Scorned

2. The Distress of the City (v9-12)

  • Her Gates
  • Her King and Princes
  • Her Prophets
  • The Elders and Young Women
  • My Eyes Weep
  • as Babies Die

3. A Lament for You, O Virgin Daughter Zion (v13-19)

  • What Comfort?
  • Your Prophets Deceived You
  • Those Around You Mock and Rail Against You
  • The LORD Has Done What He Purposed
  • So Cry Out to the Lord for the Sake of Your Children!

4. A Plea from Zion for Her Children (v20-22)

Congregational Prayer

*Apostles’ Creed (p.845)

*Hymn of Praise Psalm 79 “LORD, the Nations Have Invaded”


Pastoral Notes & Order of Worship | September 10, 2017

Dear Congregation,
It will be good to have some time to relax together at the Fall Retreat tomorrow and Saturday. One advantage of the retreat format is that many of the distractions of daily life are set aside (maybe someday we’ll ban electronic devices as well!). 🙂 The weather is looking beautiful for the weekend — so Saturday should be a great day for walking, talking, playing in the sun.

Also, a reminder that Sunday school now starts at 9:00 a.m.!
And at 10:00 a.m. we have our weekly catechism quiz — followed by singing practice! Brendan Sunshine and Hayley Mullins are leading us in learning to sing parts — so if you have been wanting to work on this, we work through the soprano, bass, tenor, and alto lines of one of the songs that we will be singing.

New Members
The session has received the following members by transfer:
Lauren Lee
Daryn and Kristan Pobanz (with Benjamin, Lena, and Heidi)
Ember Workman

Sermon Series
In the morning service, I am preaching through the book of Exodus. After finishing Exodus, I will preach Philemon in October and then Book Four of the Psalms from November-January.

In the evening Joel and I are preaching a catechetical series through the topics of the Shorter Catechism. Then I will preach through Lamentations and Daniel (Joel will continue preaching once a month during the school year).

Prayer Requests

  • For rulers and those in authority
  • For the spread of the gospel
  • Missionaries
    • Will Traub (Dundee, Scotland)
    • Jamie & Julia Thornton (Ukraine)
    • Nell (France)
    • C family (that place over there)
    • Bruce and Pat (France)
    • Markus & Sharon Jeromin (Uruguay)
    • Lee & Emma DeHoog (North Africa)
  • PCA Ministries
    Mission to the World, Mission to North America, Reformed University Ministries, Interchurch Relations, Christian Education & Publications, Covenant College and Seminary, etc.
  • Great Lakes Presbytery
    • Pastor Wallace serves on the Mission to North America Committee (church planting & Reformed University Fellowship)
    • Mark Hanson serves on the Administrative Committee (reading session minutes, stewardship, and nominating members for committee service)
    • Joel Irvin serves on the Candidates & Credentials Committee (examining and overseeing candidates for the ministry)
  • Michiana Area Churches
    • Grace Reformed OPC (Walkerton) — Pastor Matt Barker
    • Elkhart RPCNA (Elkhart) — Pastor Wade Mann
    • Grace Fellowship Church (Bremen) — Pastor Jon Hueni
    • Grace Baptist Fellowship (Warsaw) — Pastor Aaron Hoak
    • Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles) — Pastor Brian Hedges
    • Hillsdale OPC — Pastor Everett Henes
    • New City EPC (South Bend) — Pastor Luke Potter
    • Greater Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church (South Bend) — Pastor Earl Hairston
    • All churches where Christ is preached.
  • Pastor Peter and pastoral intern Joel
    • Preaching Christ faithfully
    • Discipleship and imitating Christ (as husband, father, and pastor)
    • Writing and teaching projects
  • MCPC Elders and Deacons
    • for wisdom in leading the congregation
    • praise for cash offer for the former LaPorte church building
    • Elders: Jay, Mark, Rex, Joel, Stephen, and Jacob
    • Deacons: Hugh, Mihkail, Jake, Dan, Matthew, and Bob
    • That we would be salt and light in our community
  • For those who are suffering, pray both for relief and for grace to endure in the midst of trials in our community:
    • Patty (Jamie Irvin’s mother) — recovery from transplant
    • Myrle Rowley’s great-grandson, Isaac (leukemia)
  • In our congregation:
    • Ian Heitzmann (diabetes)
    • Bob Taylor (traumatic brain injury)
    • Michael Kaufmann (rehab)
  • Loss of loved ones
    • wisdom that we might always number our days
  • For students, wisdom to prepare effectively for future service
  • Students away from home:
    • Immanuel Deliyannides (Calvin)
    • Olivia Deliyannides (Calvin)
    • Lena Wallace (Bethel)
  • For those who are looking for employment, that God would provide them with gainful employment so that they might provide for their households and be useful in the kingdom of God.
  • For teachers, wisdom to train students for that service
  • For the Michiana Covenant Academy as we seek to provide assistance to home schoolers
  • For other area Christian (e.g., Covenant, Elkhart, and Granger Christian Schools) and public schools
  • For home school teachers and students
  • For husbands and wives; parents and children
    • Lynns — with Audrey’s transition
    • Longs — living in Germany, Maria’s schooling
  • For those who desire children
    • Irvins (fostering)
  • For pregnant mothers
    • Margaret McMillan
    • Margaret McCarthy
  • For those seeking to adopt
  • For singles, both wisdom to devote themselves fully to Christ’s service and also (for those who desire it) a godly spouse
  • For those preparing for marriage

If you would like a particular prayer request to appear in the Pastoral Notes, please let me know.

Below is the order of worship for Sunday.

Pastor Peter

Morning Worship

“You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God…”

*Call to Worship Psalm 99

Pastor: The LORD reigns; let the peoples tremble! He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake!
The LORD is great in Zion; he is exalted over all the peoples. Let them praise your great and awesome name! He is holy!

People: The King in his might loves justice. You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob. Exalt the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! He is holy!

Pastor: Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel also was among those who called upon his name. They called to the LORD and he answered them. In the pillar of cloud he spoke to them; They kept his testimonies and the statute that he gave them.

People: O LORD our God, you answered them; You were a forgiving God to them, but an avenger of their wrongdoings.

All: Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy mountain; For the LORD our God is holy!

*Hymn of Approach PHSS 225 “We Have Come to Zion’s Mount”

Preparation for Confession

Prayer of Confession with Lord’s Prayer (From Psalm 19)
Almighty God, the heavens declare your glory, and the firmament proclaims your handiwork, for you created all things out of nothing by the Word of your power, and you formed us of dust from the ground. And your law, O LORD, is perfect, reviving the soul. Your precepts are right, rejoicing the heart. And your commandments are pure, enlightening the eyes. But we have turned away from your law: our hearts have rejoiced in the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil, and our eyes have wandered from your commandments. We have earned death as the wages for our sin: we are dust and to dust we shall return. Have mercy upon us, O God, according to your steadfast love demonstrated to us in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Acquit us, O LORD, of all our hidden faults. Keep us from committing rebellious and willful sin. Do not let our sins rule over us. Forgive us, O LORD, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we will be blameless; acquit us, and do not hold our great transgressions against us, but grant that as we have borne the image of the man of dust, that so also we may bear the image of the man of heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ, whom you delivered to death for us, and raised up from the grave and seated in glory at your right hand. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, our Rock and our Redeemer. For we come to you in the name of Jesus, our Savior, who taught us to pray, “Our Father…”

Declaration of Pardon

*Hymn of Praise TH 174 “O Christ, Our King, Creator, Lord”

*Offertory Prayer


*Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 12 (p. 60)

*Psalm of Response Psalm 103 “Praise God, My Soul”

New Testament Reading Luke 18:9-17 (p. 1008)

Sermon “Like Little Children” Rev. Ted Powers

*Hymn of Praise TH 460 “Amazing Grace”

“Now therefore, O LORD, let your word be confirmed…”

Congregational Prayer

*Nicene Creed (p.846)

Lord’s Supper

Exhortation & Blessing

Pastor The Lord be with you
People And also with you
Pastor Lift up your hearts
People We lift them up to the Lord
Pastor Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
People It is right to give him thanks and praise
Pastor prays: It is indeed right, and a good and joyful thing . . .

The Peace

Communion (We use wine as the element commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ. We provide grape juice in the outer ring for those who conscientiously abstain from wine.)

Prayer of Thanksgiving (from the Didache)
We give thanks to you, Holy Father, for your holy name, which you have made to dwell in our hearts and for the knowledge and faith and immortality which you have made known to us through Jesus your Son; to you be the glory forever. For you have created all things for your name’s sake, that they might give thanks to you; but on us you have graciously bestowed spiritual food and drink and eternal life through your Son. Remember, O Lord, your church, to deliver her from all evil and perfect her in your love, and gather her from the four winds into your kingdom, for yours is the power and the glory forever. Amen.

*Closing Hymn Psalm 67 “O God, to Us Show Mercy”


Evening Worship

*Call to Worship

*Prayer of Invocation

*Hymn of Praise Psalm 73 “Surely God Is Good to Israel”

Psalms and Hymns

Scripture Reading 1 Chronicles 29 (pp. 531, 810)

Sermon “Thine Is the Kingdom” Pastor Peter Wallace

Q. 107. What does the conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer teach us?

A. The conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer, which is, For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen, teaches us to take our encouragement in prayer from God only, and in our prayers to praise him, ascribing kingdom, power, and glory to him; and, in testimony of our desire, and assurance to be heard, we say, Amen.

Congregational Prayer

*Apostles’ Creed (p.845)

*Hymn of Praise Psalm 90 “Lord, You Have Ever Been Our Dwelling Place”


Pastoral Notes for Sunday, September 3, 2017

Dear Congregation,
The Deacons have asked me to announce that this Sunday’s diaconal offering will be devoted to relief efforts in Houston after Hurricane Harvey.

Breckinridge Update

Tonight at Village I will be making my first presentation (out of four) on R. J. Breckinridge that are designed to help me get organized for writing next year.

The title of tonight’s talk is: “What Is Man Without His Friend?” The Making of a Kentucky Lawyer (1800-1829)

Caylor House Update

At the recommendation of the Caylor House Committee, the session is making an offer for a ‘starter house’ for the Caylor House project. It’s something of a long shot, since another offer was accepted the day before we voted to make a “backup offer.” (Our realtor, Lin Gray, encouraged us to make a backup offer because apparently the offer ahead of us has lots of contingencies. A backup offer only comes into play if the other party’s offer falls through). Please pray that God would work all things out for his glory and our good. If you have any questions, there will be lots of us at Village tonight who can talk more about this.

Sermon Series 

In the morning service, I am preaching through the book of Exodus. After finishing Exodus, I will preach Philemon in October and then Book Four of the Psalms from November-January.

In the evening Joel and I are preaching a catechetical series through the topics of the Shorter Catechism. Then I will preach through Lamentations and Daniel (Joel will continue preaching once a month during the school year).

Prayer Requests

    • For rulers and those in authority
    • For the spread of the gospel
      • Missionaries
        • Will Traub (Dundee, Scotland)
        • Jamie & Julia Thornton (Ukraine)
        • Nell (France)
        • C family (that place over there)
        • Bruce (France)
        • Markus & Sharon Jeromin (Uruguay)
      • PCA Ministries
        • Mission to the World, Mission to North America, Reformed University Ministries, Interchurch Relations, Christian Education & Publications, Covenant College and Seminary, etc.
      • Great Lakes Presbytery
        • Pastor Wallace serves on the Mission to North America Committee (church planting & Reformed University Fellowship)
        • Mark Hanson serves on the Administrative Committee (reading session minutes, stewardship, and nominating members for committee service)
        • Joel Irvin serves on the Candidates & Credentials Committee (examining and overseeing candidates for the ministry)
      • Michiana Area Churches
        • Grace Reformed OPC (Walkerton) — Pastor Matt Barker
        • Elkhart RPCNA (Elkhart) — Pastor Wade Mann
        • Grace Fellowship Church (Bremen) — Pastor Jon Hueni
        • Grace Baptist Fellowship (Warsaw) — Pastor Aaron Hoak
        • Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles) — Pastor Brian Hedges
        • Hillsdale OPC — Pastor Everett Henes
        • New City EPC (South Bend) — Pastor Luke Potter
        • Greater Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church (South Bend) — Pastor Earl Hairston
        • All churches where Christ is preached.
      • Pastor Peter and pastoral intern Joel
        • Preaching Christ faithfully
        • Discipleship and imitating Christ (as husband, father, and pastor)
        • Writing and teaching projects
      • MCPC Elders and Deacons
        • for wisdom in leading the congregation
        • praise for cash offer for the former LaPorte church building
        • Elders: Jay, Mark, Rex, Joel, Stephen, and Jacob
        • Deacons: Hugh, Mihkail, Jake, Dan, Matthew, and Bob
      • That we would be salt and light in our community
    • For those who are suffering, pray both for relief and for grace to endure in the midst of trials
      • in our community
        • Patty (Jamie Irvin’s mother) — needs a new kidney
        • Laura Gekeler (Juday Creek neighbor) — ovarian cancer is in remission
        • Myrle Rowley’s great-grandson, Isaac (leukemia)
      • in our congregation
        • Ian Heitzmann (diabetes)
        • Bob Taylor (traumatic brain injury)
        • Wade Hall (heart)
        • Michael Kaufmann (rehab)
      • loss of loved ones
      • wisdom that we might always number our days
    • For students, wisdom to prepare effectively for future service
      • Students away from home:
        • Immanuel Deliyannides (Calvin)
        • Olivia Deliyannides (Calvin)
        • Lena Wallace (Bethel)
    • For those who are looking for employment, that God would provide them with gainful employment so that they might provide for their households and be useful in the kingdom of God:
      • Deborah Forteza (praise for job at Grove City College)
      • Christine Jordan (praise for job in South Bend)
      • Christopher Kleven (praise for job in Iowa)
    • For teachers, wisdom to train students for that service
      • For the Michiana Covenant Academy as we seek to provide assistance to home schoolers
      • For other area Christian (e.g., Covenant, Elkhart, and Granger Christian Schools) and public schools
      • For home school teachers and students
    • For husbands and wives; parents and children
      • Lynns — with Audrey’s transition
      • Longs — living in Germany, Maria’s schooling
    • For those who desire children
      • Irvins (fostering)
    • For pregnant mothers
      • Margaret McMillan
      • Margaret McCarthy
    • For those seeking to adopt
    • For singles, both wisdom to devote themselves fully to Christ’s service and also (for those who desire it) a godly spouse
    • For those preparing for marriage

If you would like a particular prayer request to appear in the Pastoral Notes, please let me know.

Here is the order of worship for Sunday.

Pastor Peter

Morning Worship

“You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God…”

*Call to Worship        Psalm 100

Pastor: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God!

People: It is He who made us, and we are His; We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

Pastor: Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name!

People: For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, And His faithfulness to all generations.

*Hymn of Approach             Psalm 111        “Praise to the Lord, I Will Extol Him”

Preparation for Confession 

Prayer of Confession with Lord’s Prayer    From Psalm 51/Micah 6

O most merciful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; who pardons all those who truly repent and turn to you; we humbly confess our sins and ask for your mercy. We have not loved you with our whole heart; neither have we loved our neighbor as ourselves. We have not done justly, nor loved mercy, nor walked humbly with you, our God. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, according to your steadfast love; according to your tender mercies, blot out our iniquity. Create in us a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within us. Cast us not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from us. Restore unto us the joy of your salvation, for we ask these things in the name of Jesus, our Savior, who taught us to pray, Our Father…

Declaration of Pardon         

*Hymn of Praise       TH 342            “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation”

*Offertory Prayer


*Doxology      Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Old Testament Reading      Exodus 34 (p. 60)

*Psalm of Response  Psalm 86    “Hear Me, O LORD, and Answer Me”

New Testament Reading     1 Corinthians 3 (p. 1008)

Sermon           “A New Covenant”   Pastor Peter Wallace


  • The Sin of Israel: When What We See Overrules the Word of the LORD (ch 32)
  • The Intercession of Moses and the Face of the LORD (ch 33)

Who Is the God Who Makes This Covenant? (v1-9)

  1. Replacing the Broken Tablets (v1-4)
  2. God’s Name Is Revealed in His Character (v5-6)
  3. What Does “Visiting the Iniquity of the Fathers on the Children” Mean? (v7)
  4. “Take Us for Your Inheritance” – Moses’ Plea for Pardon (v8-9)

The Covenant of the LORD Declared (v10-28)

  1. God Will Do Awesome Things – and All the People Will See It (v10)
  2. Do Not Make Covenants with the Nations – Because of Idolatry (v11-16)
  3. The Centrality of Worship to the Covenant (v17-26)
  4. “Write These Words” – the Importance of the Written Word (v27-28)

The Glorious Result of the Covenant: the Shining Face of Moses (v29-35)

*Hymn of Praise       Psalm 27          “The LORD’s My Savior and My Light”

“Now therefore, O LORD, let your word be confirmed…”

Congregational Prayer

*Nicene Creed (p.846)

Lord’s Supper

Exhortation & Blessing                           

Pastor              The Lord be with you
People            And also with you
Pastor              Lift up your hearts
People            We lift them up to the Lord
Pastor              Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
People            It is right to give him thanks and praise
Pastor prays:    It is indeed right, and a good and joyful thing . . .

The Peace

Communion (We use wine as the element commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ. We provide grape juice in the outer ring for those who conscientiously abstain from wine.) 

*Prayer of Thanksgiving      PHSS 200        “Heavenly Father”

Diaconal Offering

*Closing Hymn         TH 546            “The Sands of Time Are Sinking”


Evening Worship

*Call to Worship        Psalm 149

*Prayer of Invocation                

*Hymn of Praise       Psalm 140        “Save Me, O LORD, from Evil Men”

Psalms and Hymns

Scripture Reading     Genesis 3; Matthew 18:21-35 (pp. 531, 810)

Sermon           “Delivered and Forgiven”   Elder Joel Irvin

  1. 105 – What do we pray for in the fifth petition?
  2. In the fifth petition, which is,And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, we pray that God, for Christ’s sake, would freely pardon all our sins; which we are the rather encouraged to ask, because by His grace we are enabled from the heart to forgive others.
  3. 106 – What do we pray for in the sixth petition?
  4. In the sixth petition, which is,And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,we pray that God would either keep us from being tempted to sin, or support and deliver us when we are tempted.

Congregational Prayer                  

*Apostles’ Creed (p.845)

Prayer of Thanksgiving       

*Hymn of Praise       TH 691            “It Is Well with My Soul”


Pastoral Notes for Sunday, August 27, 2017

Dear Congregation,   

We heard back from Lilly and we did not receive a grant from the Clergy Renewal Program. But as the session talked about it, we agreed that we didn’t care for the part of the sabbatical that would send the Wallace family away for four months. If the purpose of a sabbatical would be to write the Breckinridge biography, then why not simply make that my full-time employment for four months?

So at our session meeting this week, the session approved a four-month sabbatical (mid-April through mid-August), where the session will relieve me of my regular pastoral duties so that I can focus on writing. There will likely be a couple of research trips to Kentucky and Princeton, but the Wallaces will remain in South Bend for the bulk of the sabbatical. The only additional costs would be some pulpit supply — since Joel will not be ready to cover everything in my absence — and the research trips (though I may be able to find a research grant for at least one trip).

And in order to be well-prepared for writing, I will give a series of four presentations on the four main parts of the biography. The first presentation will be this coming Thursday at Village on “The Early Life of Robert J. Breckinridge, 1800-1829.”

Also, I should mention that we have upgraded (?) our phones, so I now have unlimited talk and text on my cell phone. I am starting to give out that number as my “work” phone number: (574) 485-7023. (Though I still normally work at home, so you can easily reach me there as well.)

Sermon Series 
In the morning service, I am preaching through the book of Exodus. After finishing Exodus, I will preach Philemon in October and then Book Four of the Psalms from November-January.

In the evening Joel and I are preaching a catechetical series through the topics of the Shorter Catechism. Then I will preach through Lamentations and Daniel (Joel will continue preaching once a month during the school year).

Prayer Requests

    • For rulers and those in authority
    • For the spread of the gospel
      • Missionaries
        • Will Traub (Dundee, Scotland)
        • Jamie & Julia Thornton (Ukraine)
        • Nell (France)
        • C family (that place over there)
        • Bruce (France)
        • Markus & Sharon Jeromin (Uruguay)
      • PCA Ministries
        • Mission to the World, Mission to North America, Reformed University Ministries, Interchurch Relations, Christian Education & Publications, Covenant College and Seminary, etc.
      • Great Lakes Presbytery
        • Pastor Wallace serves on the Mission to North America Committee (church planting & Reformed University Fellowship)
        • Mark Hanson serves on the Administrative Committee (reading session minutes, stewardship, and nominating members for committee service)
        • Joel Irvin serves on the Candidates & Credentials Committee (examining and overseeing candidates for the ministry)
      • Michiana Area Churches
        • Grace Reformed OPC (Walkerton) — Pastor Matt Barker
        • Elkhart RPCNA (Elkhart) — Pastor Wade Mann
        • Grace Fellowship Church (Bremen) — Pastor Jon Hueni
        • Grace Baptist Fellowship (Warsaw) — Pastor Aaron Hoak
        • Fulkerson Park Baptist Church (Niles) — Pastor Brian Hedges
        • Hillsdale OPC — Pastor Everett Henes
        • New City EPC (South Bend) — Pastor Luke Potter
        • Greater Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church (South Bend) — Pastor Earl Hairston
        • All churches where Christ is preached.
      • Pastor Peter and pastoral intern Joel
        • Preaching Christ faithfully
        • Discipleship and imitating Christ (as husband, father, and pastor)
        • Writing and teaching projects
      • MCPC Elders and Deacons
        • for wisdom in leading the congregation
        • praise for cash offer for the former LaPorte church building
        • Elders: Jay, Mark, Rex, Joel, Stephen, and Jacob
        • Deacons: Hugh, Mihkail, Jake, Dan, Matthew, and Bob
      • That we would be salt and light in our community
    • For those who are suffering, pray both for relief and for grace to endure in the midst of trials
      • in our community
        • Patty (Jamie Irvin’s mother) — needs a new kidney
        • Laura Gekeler (Juday Creek neighbor) — ovarian cancer is in remission
        • Myrle Rowley’s great-grandson, Isaac (leukemia)
      • in our congregation
        • Ian Heitzmann (diabetes)
        • Bob Taylor (traumatic brain injury)
        • Wade Hall (heart)
        • Michael Kaufmann (rehab)
      • loss of loved ones
      • wisdom that we might always number our days
    • For students, wisdom to prepare effectively for future service
      • Students away from home:
        • Immanuel Deliyannides (Calvin)
        • Olivia Deliyannides (Calvin)
        • Lena Wallace (Bethel)
    • For those who are looking for employment, that God would provide them with gainful employment so that they might provide for their households and be useful in the kingdom of God:
      • Deborah Forteza (praise for job at Grove City College)
      • Christine Jordan (praise for job in South Bend)
      • Christopher Kleven (praise for job in Iowa)
    • For teachers, wisdom to train students for that service
      • For the Michiana Covenant Academy as we seek to provide assistance to home schoolers
      • For other area Christian (e.g., Covenant, Elkhart, and Granger Christian Schools) and public schools
      • For home school teachers and students
    • For husbands and wives; parents and children
      • Lynns — with Audrey’s transition
      • Longs — living in Germany, Maria’s schooling
    • For those who desire children
      • Irvins (fostering)
    • For pregnant mothers
      • Margaret McMillan
      • Margaret McCarthy
    • For those seeking to adopt
    • For singles, both wisdom to devote themselves fully to Christ’s service and also (for those who desire it) a godly spouse
    • For those preparing for marriage

If you would like a particular prayer request to appear in the Pastoral Notes, please let me know.

Pastor Peter

You Are What You Love — Liturgy and Habit

You Are What You Love — Liturgy and Habit

“The mall is a religious site, not because it is theological but because it is liturgical. Its spiritual significance (and threat) isn’t found in its ‘ideas’ or its ‘messages’ but in its rituals. The mall doesn’t care what you think, but it is very much interested in what you love. Victoria’s secret is that she’s actually after your heart.” (p41)

With this in mind, James K. A. Smith launches into a liturgical reading of the shopping mall — rightly seeing the architecture of the mall as an echo of the Gothic cathedral. He notes that “here one finds an array of three-dimensional icons adorned in garb that — as with all iconography — inspires our desire to be imitators of these exemplars. These statues and icons (mannequins) embody for us concrete images of the good life. These are the ideals of perfection to which we will learn to aspire.” (p43)

“This temple — like countless others now emerging around the world — offers a rich, embodied visual mode of evangelism that attracts us. This is a gospel whose power is beauty, which speaks to our deepest desires. It compels us to come, not through dire moralisms, but rather with a winsome invitation to share in this envisioned good life.” (p43)

We then enter “one of the chapels” and are “greeted by a welcoming acolyte” and we make our way through its labyrinths, “open to surprise, to that moment where the spirit leads us to an experience we couldn’t have anticipated.” (p43) Having found the holy object, “we proceed to the altar that is the consummation of worship” where the priest of this “religion of transaction” transforms our plastic card into the object of our desire, and we leave “with newly minted relics, as it were, which are themselves the means to the good life.” (p45)

The Notre Dame lunch group has been reading and discussing James K. A. Smith’s You Are What You Love — a thought-provoking essay on “the spiritual power of habit.” The chapter for this week “Guard Your Heart: the Liturgies of Home” reminds us that the patterns and practices that shape our hearts will also shape the rhythms of our life (or is it the other way around?!).

Smith shows us how the basic patterns and rhythms of worship (historic Christian liturgy — like what we do at MCPC) should form and shape the patterns and rhythms of life. “Embedded in the church’s worship are important pictures of what flourishing homes and families look like.” (p114)

The Problem of Compartmentalization

In the modern world we have compartmentalized life into “family,” “church,” “work,” and “play.” When we compartmentalize our lives, then you hear me saying this: The pastor wants me to spend more time doing “church” things. And while I do encourage families to read the Bible, pray together, sing together, memorize the catechism together — these things only scratch the surface of what I mean.

When the worship of God becomes the pattern for our lives, we realize that in our baptism, we have been united to a new family in Jesus. My “family” is redefined in Jesus. Our society — like many before it — has idolized the family and turned it into an ultimate end (ironic, because our society is destroying the family — but that in itself should prove the point: idolatry always destroys the very thing that it seeks!).

Likewise, our work — not just the thing we get paid to do, but the labor that characterizes our creational callings during the “six-days shalt thou labor and do all thy work” — that work is redefined in Jesus. How should I think about my six-days labor? Well, what we do every Sunday in our liturgy reminds us of our true identity in Christ. Christian liturgy is designed to draw us back into the story of what God is doing in history. (As I said it last Sunday, our problem is when we think that the story is about us — when in fact, the story is about Jesus!) Only when we see that the story is about Jesus do we see where we fit into his story.

What God has done in Jesus is not just “save our souls.” He saves us body and soul — he feeds us, body and soul — unto everlasting life. Therefore, since we participate in this grand and glorious story, we can take a long-term perspective and realize that God brings change through the power of his Holy Spirit working in his church, bringing renewal and regeneration throughout all the earth.

Re-Forming Daily Habits

So how can we re-form our daily practices — our routines and rhythms of life — in ways that conform to the heavenly liturgy? Here are a couple suggestions: 1) If the church of Jesus Christ is our new family, then look for ways to connect what you are doing during the week with others in the body of Christ Do you go shopping? Develop a pattern of shopping together with others who share a common desire to conform their shopping practices to the Word of God. Do you watch college football? Invite others to watch with you who will help you avoid the dangers of modern sports idolatries. In short, if we are seeking one thing — if we are seeking to know and love and see the living and true God — then we should look for ways to connect everything that we are doing to that one thing.